Egg Nog Latte

- 2 Ideal Protein Ready Made Vanilla Drinks
- 1 Ideal Protein Plain Omelette Mix
- Cinnamon to taste
- Nutmeg to taste
- Cinnamon Flavored Stevia (optional)
Add one ready made into large shaker first and then add omelette mix and second vanilla ready made.
Add Cinnamon and Nutmeg to taste.
Fill container with water and shake vigorously.
Pour 1/3 into container to be frothed. Make sure temperatue stays about 160 degrees. Going above 180 degrees will cause omelette to be chunky.
Add frothed mixture to shot of espresso or coffee in mug!
Store remainder in airtight container in the refridgerator!
Recipe Credit to Dr. Dusty Dubois from Bothell Weight Loss. See her video here!